in Christ,
I am
grateful for God’s faithfulness and yours in this time of dealing
with COVID-19. The vestry and I appreciate your expressions of
appreciation for how we’ve been able to continue doing the
ministry of Jesus together. I know this has been an emotional
roller coaster for everyone. Yet, I believe we are drawing more
closely together and recognizing in a new way how important our
church community is and how much the world needs the enduring
ministry of God.

As I
mentioned in last week’s pastoral message, we will move toward
re-entry and in-person gatherings and worship in step with the
Diocese of Virginia. Exactly what in-person looks like and when
it happens specifically will be decided in the future. However,
Bishop Goff and the other regional Episcopal bishops have given
this helpful framework, so I wanted to get it to you
right away. While the vestry and I are responsible for developing
the specifics, and will do so in conjunction with staff and lay
ministry leaders, I would like you to be thinking alongside of
us. Only you know what your personal sense of caution and safety
is, beyond the public health guidelines. Only you know how
quickly you’re going to be ready to leave your homes and gather
with others. Within our congregation, people are going to have
different desires based on their own health factors.
· What do you need spiritually,
emotionally, and physically as you deal with your own health
· Are you accessing worship,
fellowship and spiritual growth opportunities online, or is that
difficult for you?
· How urgent is your desire to
re-gather when you balance it against your health considerations?
Are there any practices that feel particularly important to you
as you consider gathering with others (like you’ll want to wear a
mask even after it’s only advised, or you’ll be inclined to not
take holy communion)?
· Finally, thinking about now,
please let me or another clergyperson know if you are struggling
emotionally or find yourself in a tough place financially and
would to know how the church can help.
you for taking the time to read my message today and that of
Bishop Goff and the other bishops. They have been tremendously
helpful to clergy and vestries while we have been busy pivoting
the ministry of Jesus to do it differently. Despite the challenges,
I hope you will feel similarly supported.
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