"Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven." - Matthew 18:3One of my biggest challenges as an adult has been to keep my faith strong and put my trust wholeheartedly in God. I know God's got it, that His will be done, but I still try to control things around me. My Sundays are precious to me, especially since I stay at home with 3 and 5 year old boys, both with sensory needs and one with autism. For an hour every week as I sit in church, I get a reprieve from Angry Birds, Disney, and arguments about wearing pants outside of the house. On Sundays I have the opportunity to refill my cup with the Spirit, to reposition my armor and get ready to do the Lord's work again this week. As hard as it was for me to give up this time, I felt called to serve as a Sunday School volunteer once my oldest son started going. Initially, I thought it was to help him transition into the program--but after two years, I know it's just as much for me as it is for him.
God calls us to be like children: not power-hungry, not focused on outward differences, just content to be taken care of and accepting of the authority above us. And as I teach my little friends the stories we've heard so many times, hearing how they understand it and see God's love in their own lives, I find myself to be the one learning. Our sweet kids love their parents wholeheartedly. Ask them "Who helps you feel better? Who takes care of you? Who makes you happy?" and "Mom and Dad" are always the top answer. We talk about harder things too, what to do when someone is mean or we make a mistake. Again, my little friends give the best answers. They know to forgive, or apologize, or give a hug--there is no egotism or grudge-holding. They move on.
It is amazing how God works through the children on my heart. My family's church attendance has become much more consistent, which allows all of us to get the spiritual time and growth we need. No matter how hectic our days are, or what mini-crisis occurred just as we walked out the door, I have never once regretted teaching, in fact I always leave with a fuller heart than when I walked in. Our littlest friends are such a good and gentle reminder from God to trust in Him, and it is such a privilege to serve them!

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