This Giving Tuesday, give to a community that gives back to others. Your gifts change lives, in Christ's name! >Make a Gift to CCE<
This Giving Tuesday, give to a community that gives back to others. Your gifts change lives, in Christ's name! >Make a Gift to CCE<
Addison Jones tells us a poignant story about giving as part of our Launching God's Boundless Mission ministry. "When the opportunity to give is presented to you," Addison shares, "take advantage of it."
Janice Applebach feels blessed by participating in the Christ Church Choir. "I am grateful for having such a lovely church choir to sing with," Jan recently wrote on Facebook upon returning home one evening from choir rehearsal. "Still soaking in the memory of the beautiful harmonies from some of the songs. I had chills several times on the last song." Janice says, "I feel a bit sad for people who have never experienced music like this, either vocally or instrumentally." Luckily for the people of Christ Church, we get to experience this each and every week, from the choir risers, from the congregation, and from our living rooms!
"When it is on," Janice says, "there is nothing better, (that I can think of). It resonates with my whole being. Soul-deep."
From Tom Tyler
Dear Christ Church,
In our shared faith I offer a summary of the 227th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia. On November 12th and 13th, more than 390 lay and clerical delegates gathered online for the Convention. Delegates from Christ Church included Reverend Shirley Smith-Graham, Kay Holmes, Kathy Duckworth and Tom Tyler. Garway Bright was also present in his role as President of the Diocesan Executive Board and Ken Royston was present as a member of the Executive Board.
In her opening pastoral address, Bishop Susan Goff described some of the ways in which the churches of the Diocese have gone deeper, wider and made their ministries stronger in 2021, despite the ongoing pandemic. She noted that some congregations are reaching more people through virtual worship and that two new worship spaces were consecrated this year. In December, the Bishops will have ordained 26 priests and seven deacons since the pandemic began. The Diocese also called our first Missioner for Racial Justice and Healing, the Rev. Dr. J. Lee Hill, Jr.
Thirteen resolutions were discussed and adopted during the convention. The most notable resolutions are summarized below. All resolutions can be accessed by clicking the following link: 2021 Resolutions.
Resolution 1 establishes a Virginia Plan for Covenantal Giving through which all congregations will pledge 10% of their plate offerings, pledge payments and regular support to the shared ministries of the Diocese by the year 2025.
Resolution 4a establishes an Impact Fund for Racial Justice and Healing. This investment fund will be used to prioritize opportunities within the Diocese to support racial justice and healing.
Resolution 6 calls on the Diocese to commit to achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045.
Resolution 9a requests the appointment of an information gathering and discernment team to explore pathways for discernment and formation in Spanish for LatinX/Hispanic communities of the Diocese.
Resolution 10a commits the Diocese to create a $10 million fund for reparations to benefit Black, Indigenous, and peoples of color communities. The resolution directs the Bishop to create a Reparations Task Force “to identify and propose means by which repair may begin for those areas of our structures, patterns, and common life by which Black, Indigenous, People of Color within the original bounds of our diocese still carry the burden of theological, social, cultural, economic, and legal injustices, exclusions, and biases born out of white supremacy and the legacy of slavery."
Resolution 11 calls for the creation of additional Assistant Bishop.
Additionally, several Amendments to the Constitution and Canons were approved during the convention. The Amendments can be found here: 2021 Amendments.
The Rev. Dr. Rosemari Sullivan, Search Committee Chair, provided an update on the search process for the 14th Bishop of the Diocese of Virginia. The Search Committee will screen applicants in January and February, and host a retreat in March with a final group of applicants.
All who attended the Convention graciously committed their time in prayerful consideration of all agenda items an now look forward to continuing the work that we are called to do.
Tom Tyler
For the month of November, we are hearing stories of Boundless Mission. These witnesses serve as a testament to power of God's love through Christian community. Take a moment to enjoy these stories and perhaps ponder the unique transformations that have happened in your life through Christ Church.
Sometimes, "God's mission is bringing coffee to scared, young mothers in hospital parking lots." Laura-Jane Corkran tells a beautiful story. "Here was an angel, stepping out of the darkness, and calling me by name, " she shares in her witness as part of Boundless Missions at CCE. "I cannot put into words what her presence meant to me that morning. How it felt to not feel alone, to feel loved." Christ Church is a ministry of the people and her people certainly do LOVE one another!
"Church has become more like family to me," Jan said in the inspiring witness she shared with our community. You'll be moved by her story!
A thank you from our mission partner, Shalom Farms:
"Thank you for volunteering your time with Shalom Farms! Volunteers are essential to our farm operation, and we are so grateful for your support as we work toward increasing access to healthy food in the Richmond community. All of the work that you helped us with gave us a head-start on harvesting, which will soon enough be on the tables of folks in our community who really need, deserve and appreciate all the healthy, affordable food for their families"
Shalom Farms is also a great place for children and youth to serve! To volunteer, please contact Keith Tan at Keith will put you in touch with our lay leader, Kevin, who organizes this ministry.
As soon as the news of Haiti's August earthquake made it's way to Glen Allen, Christ Church began praying and mobilizing. How could we help a country with which we have such a long and beautiful relationship? We asked you keep Haiti in your prayers and to consider giving to one of two of our partner organizations: Episcopal Relief & Development and Light from Light. Thank you for your support of these two organizations who have robust presences in Haiti, serving those in need.
We've heard from Light from Light, an organization dedicated to long-lasting change in Haiti, that the Christ Church community has donated almost $3,000 to their relief efforts and the donations are still coming in."We are so very grateful for your advocacy of our work, within your
networks, and even more thankful for the ways it will be used to assist
in Haiti as they recover from the earthquake," says Meredith, who works with Light from Light. Meredith sent along photos of the area of Grand’Anse
where your generous donations are helping deliver medical supplies and enabling the treatment of patients of all ages.
Thank you for all you've done for our brothers and sisters in Haiti and please continue lifting them up in prayer as recovery efforts continue. Our missions and outreach ministry team will update you as we know more about how we can continue to help.
Christ Church, your generosity goes into schools, and into hearts! Today, our partner and friend Armoni Johnson, Communities In Schools of Richmond coordinator, took your donated school supplies into (the new!) Henry Marsh Elementary School. These supplies will be given to students so they can start the school year off strong.
Thank you, Christ Church! We asked for donations for our dear partner school, Henry Marsh Elementary School, and you generously gave:
On the first day of school, these students will not only carry with them a backpack full of new supplies, but they'll also carry a little bit of love with them, given by YOU.
Join us as we once again lift our prayers:
God, we pray for the children, parents, caregivers, teachers, staff, and community of Henry Marsh Elementary School. Please keep them safe and well as they embark on a new school year. Lord, we thank you for the opportunity to support this community and hope that our work will bring your goodness to light and your love to everyone's heart. We ask these blessings through Christ our Lord. Amen
Christ Church has a long-standing partnership with Haiti. Over the years, we've learned a word from our Haitian friends: lespwa, which means "hope."
After the devastating earthquake in 2011, we were called to help and so began a long and beautiful relationship the people of Haiti, specifically with St. Marc's Episcopal Church in Lilevoix and St. Simeon Church in Croix-des-Bouquets -- and the school and clinic there.
We've sent mission teams, provided financial support, offered them up in continuous prayer, sponsored village-wide VBS, and even hosted their leaders here in Glen Allen.
And we've never stopped hoping for the people of Haiti.
Whether you're walking into a job interview or simply going to school, everyone deserves to feel confident. With that mission in mind, the Caring Clothes Closet provides consignment-quality clothing to people who need a hand up. The pre-loved garments donated to the Caring Clothes Closet get a second life with people who are also starting over — families emerging from a crisis or struggling to rebuild their lives.
Our Wednesday Women's Bible Study recently gathered to tour and celebrate the new location of the Caring Clothes Closet. Not only does this group have a heart for Jesus and a mind for mission, they also have a special connection to the Caring Clothes Closet -- it's founder, Sara Fender, has been a part of the Wednesday Women's Bible Study for years. "It is completely her gifting and passion," says group leader Becky Hansell, "and she is amazing at it!"
The group has loved and prayed Sara through the journey and they were thrilled to celebrate this milestone with her.
You never know what doors open to you through CCE small groups! Click here to learn about current ongoing groups and stay tuned for information coming soon about new and refreshed groups.
Please keep Sara and the CCC in your prayers. If you feel called to give, visit here for more information.
Our pastoral care ministries hosted a healing ceremony to acknowledge and process all we've lost during the pandemic. The Community of Hope and Circle of Care members gathered to pray, sing, reflect, and share what has been lost during this time of illness, distancing, fear, and sadness.
Lee Bowles sharing the gift of music |
Space was also created to share the things gained during the pandemic. Participants named before God the blessings that have come during this time. After each petition, the reader spoke, “Holy God, bringer of blessings,” and the group responded with “We thank and praise you."
Consider today, where do you need healing? Give these concerns to God by saying, “Holy God, source of health, hear and have mercy.”What blessings have you seen in the past year and a half? Give thanks and praise, saying,
Jesus, eternal Son of the Father,
Jesus, healer of our infirmities,
Jesus, redeemer and safe-guarder,
We praise you and thank you.
If you are interested in hosting a healing ceremony for your small group or family, please contact us and we're happy to share a simple liturgy for you to use.
Christ Church has reached a special milestone! Today we celebrated "Senior Sunday" at worship, a time-honored tradition that recognizes students that are graduating high school. The past year was certainly exceptional, as this group of students had the strangest junior and senior years in recent history (thank you, pandemic, but you can leave now), showing tremendous resilience and strength. But another sweet spot is that these students represented the first graduating class of the Christ Church Preschool, founded 15 years ago. That's love, full circle!
Celebrate with us...
Christ Church is thrilled to forge a new partnership with the Autism Society of Central Virginia (ASCV). Our mission of being a beacon of hope to all people -- and our faith in Jesus Christ, who served and love all -- compel us to welcome and celebrate the autism community.
Christ Church is blessed with dedicated and talented staff who provide specialized ministry to our beloved community. Your gifts, engagement, and support enable these ministries that change lives here in Short Pump and beyond. Thank you.
On our social media platforms, we've been highlighting our staff as part of a #FeatureFriday series. See below these features and if you don't already, please follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Your engagement with our social media is an easy and important way to share your witness and support the ministries of Christ Church.
The mission of Shalom Farms is to work with communities to ensure access to healthy food and the support to live healthy lives. Through sustainable food production and hands-on experiences at the farm and in the city, Shalom Farms provides thousands in Richmond with access to healthy food…and healthy lives.
Kevin Van Natta, right, says this is a small way he can give back to the community. |
"I’ve been blessed in life and now that the children are grown and I am working less it feels like the time to give back," says missioner Kevin Van Natta (on right in photo above). "Shalom Farms is one small way to do this."
Youth and children are welcome to serve. What a great mission opportunity for families! |
It will feel good to use your hands, socialize with others, and know your work will share God's love with those in need!
A dedicated team of CCE volunteers worked with our amazing community partners, Richmond Metro Habitat for Humanity, for a special Build Day. We were blessed to work on a home for future homeowners Genesis, Matt, and their two young daughters.
"The morning was sunny, cool, and beautiful. Our group showed up prepared to paint the indoor walls. Our leader, Fabian, informed us that the drywall wasn't finished. Instead, we would be finishing the siding on an outdoor shed. In addition we dug some post holes for the back deck. Many hands made the work really light." - Jane Emrick
"Over the years I have been blessed by participating in Christ Church Episcopal Habitat for Humanity Build Day. The joy I receive, putting my gifts and talents in service to others is part of what feeds my faiths journey.
'Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms.' (1 Peter 4:10)
I am thankful that CCE and its church community have instilled in me to be a good steward of my gifts and talents. I pray and give thanks for all the gifts Christ has given us. We know that all we have received is from his loving hands.
Gracious and loving God, you call us to participate in the life of our communities. Help us to always use your gifts wisely and teach us to share them generously. Send the Holy Spirit to work through us, bringing your message of love to those we serve. May we bear witness to the love of Jesus Christ in our lives each and every day. We pray with grateful hearts, in Jesus’ name. Amen." - Dan Spitzer
"What a great day it was: a little chilly early on, but it warmed up nicely and we had a clear blue sky! As things turned out we were able to work outside putting siding on the new shed. Participating in projects like this provides personal rewards in several different ways for me. We’re working as a team by helping in a small way to build a new home for a deserving couple, but we’re also building strong bonds with those on our CCE team. Truly we’re serving as the heart and hands of Jesus!" - Jim Heck