Through your service, your gifts, and your prayers, we go into the world, as God has called us to do, to serve others in Jesus' name.

The organizations we support include our four priorities of ending hunger, providing shelter, enhancing educational outcomes, and ensuring access to health care. Providing relief to the suffering is part of what we do, while also seeking opportunities for systemic, transformative change.
The organizations CCE supported in 2018 include:
Feedmore and Shalom Farms: feeding programs for all age groups, cultivating healthy food and teaching food preparation as alternatives with the goal of ending hunger.
CARITAS and Richmond Habitat for Humanity: providing shelter and restoring dignity through short term housing and healing programs and safe affordable permanent housing.
A clinic in Haiti and Crossover Medical Ministries: ensuring access to healthcare to those who have no place else to turn.
St. Marc’s in Haiti and Hope and Resurrection School in South Sudan; George Mason Elementary School and Anna Julia Cooper School and Communities in Schools, Richmond: enhancing educational outcomes.
Episcopal Relief and Development, Re Establish Richmond (connecting resources for refugees in Richmond area) and Sophie House.
To learn more or get more involved, please attend the open Missions & Outreach Network meeting on Wednesday, February 13 at 6:30 PM in the Library. All are welcome! Contact Rev. Richard Pelkey with any questions.
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