Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Sunshine and Success: Women Build 2019


A fine morning rain did not deter the efforts of a dozen CCE women, who showed up at Habitat for Humanity Women Build project in North Chesterfield on June 1st. We met with Bill, the site manager, who explained all things safety and showed us what a gecko was ( and where to point the nail gun)

By 8:30 am, the rain had stopped, and we had out measuring tape, safety glasses, saws, levels, and hammers, and began to work.

By mid-morning I would say that all volunteers were experts with nail gun, siding, climbing up and down scaffolding, in addition to the aforementioned levels and hammers!

We spoke with love about Shaniqua, who owns this house, and wished her and her child well living in it.

Overall, the day felt like sunshine and success. Thanks to Bill and the other experienced worker volunteers, plus two interns who showed us the ropes. Progress was made on the residence and we declare Women Build a great success.