Monday, May 31, 2021

"Feature Friday" initiative highlights CCE staff on social media

Christ Church is blessed with dedicated and talented staff who provide specialized ministry to our beloved community. Your gifts, engagement, and support enable these ministries that change lives here in Short Pump and beyond. Thank you.

On our social media platforms, we've been highlighting our staff as part of a #FeatureFriday series. See below these features and if you don't already, please follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Your engagement with our social media is an easy and important way to share your witness and support the ministries of Christ Church.






Monday, May 17, 2021

Berry Blessings to Neighbors in Need

The mission of Shalom Farms is to work with communities to ensure access to healthy food and the support to live healthy lives. Through sustainable food production and hands-on experiences at the farm and in the city, Shalom Farms provides thousands in Richmond with access to healthy food…and healthy lives.

Kevin Van Natta, right, says this is a small way he can give back to the community.

On a sunny day last week, a team of CCE volunteers worked on the farm as part of our ongoing missions and outreach ministries. Volunteers picked strawberries, praying over the fruit with the sweet understanding that it would go on to bless others.

"I’ve been blessed in life and now that the children are grown and I am working less it feels like the time to give back," says missioner Kevin Van Natta (on right in photo above).  "Shalom Farms is one small way to do this."

Youth and children are welcome to serve. What a great mission opportunity for families!
Christ Church is committed to serve at the farm once a month. The next serve date is Tuesday, June 8, 9am-12pm. Click here to serve and contact Keith Tan with any questions you may have.

It will feel good to use your hands, socialize with others, and know your work will share God's love with those in need!


Food for the Hungry

Saturday, May 1, 2021

"Serving as the heart and hands of Jesus" -- our Build Day volunteers share their witnesses

A dedicated team of CCE volunteers worked with our amazing community partners, Richmond Metro Habitat for Humanity, for a special Build Day. We were blessed to work on a home for future homeowners Genesis, Matt, and their two young daughters.


"The morning was sunny, cool, and beautiful. Our group showed up prepared to paint the indoor walls. Our leader, Fabian, informed us that the drywall wasn't finished. Instead, we would be finishing the siding on an outdoor shed. In addition we dug some post holes for the back deck. Many hands made the work really light." - Jane Emrick

"Over the years I have been blessed by participating in Christ Church Episcopal Habitat for Humanity Build Day. The joy I receive, putting my gifts and talents in service to others is part of what feeds my faiths journey.

'Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms.' (1 Peter 4:10)

I am thankful that CCE and its church community have instilled in me to be a good steward of my gifts and talents. I pray and give thanks for all the gifts Christ has given us. We know that all we have received is from his loving hands.

Gracious and loving God, you call us to participate in the life of our communities. Help us to always use your gifts wisely and teach us to share them generously. Send the Holy Spirit to work through us, bringing your message of love to those we serve. May we bear witness to the love of Jesus Christ in our lives each and every day. We pray with grateful hearts, in Jesus’ name. Amen." - Dan Spitzer

"What a great day it was: a little chilly early on, but it warmed up nicely and we had a clear blue sky!  As things turned out we were able to work outside putting siding on the new shed.  Participating in projects like this provides personal rewards in several different ways for me.  We’re working as a team by helping in a small way to build a new home for a deserving couple, but we’re also building strong bonds with those on our CCE team. Truly we’re serving as the heart and hands of Jesus!" - Jim Heck


 Build Day 2021

We are called to serve others in Christ's name. Join us on our next mission adventure! More here.