Monday, October 8, 2018

Because of You

When ministry happens, we see glimpses of God’s kingdom here on earth. In this series, we will share how, because of you, we see God in each other. We hope these stories will inspire you to give generously to our Annual Giving Appeal, which funds our church and the ministries done as close as Short Pump and as far away as Haiti and South Sudan.

Because of you, this happens...

A few years ago, Christ Church re-imagined its pastoral care ministry and formed a cohort of trained pastoral caregivers as part of Community of Hope, International. Since then, these compassionate listeners have served individuals facing illness, divorce, substance abuse, and death. In small and large ways, these caregivers have made a difference in other’s lives.

The caregiving came full circle this summer when two of our caregivers found themselves in need of help. “It wasn’t until my wife required emergency surgery that I fully appreciated the power of this ministry. During a hectic two days, a CCE Pastoral Care Giver listened, prayed on our behalf, and kept others informed. His presence made a stressful situation more peaceful and allowed me to stay focused. I will be forever grateful for what he did.”

Because of your gifts, we can provide personal care to those in need. Taste and see that the Lord is good.

Because of you, this happens...

When our women’s Bible studies invited women from our neighborhood West End Islamic Center to gather at Christ Church for conversation and fellowship, they hoped to extend hospitality and learn about the commonalities of our faith traditions. At the first meeting, the group quickly fell into comfortable sharing of their faith and their lives. The two groups made a deep connection and they have met regularly ever since. This summer, when a Christ Church member was seeking to help a former CARITAS client, she made an appeal on Facebook for a young mother and her son. Among the first responses were two women from WEIC who offered financial gifts toward the purchase of a new air conditioning unit. Because of you, small groups meet weekly to nurture spiritual formation, and acts of radical hospitality extend like ripples in a pond. Taste and see that the Lord is good!

Because of you, this happens...

For the second summer in a row, our Mid-High mission team spent a week serving their neighbors by partnering with local organizations all around metropolitan Richmond. Before the week’s service projects began, the youth embarked on a prayer tour around Richmond. The final stop was at the Reconciliation Statue, a landmark that recognizes the history of slave trading in Richmond and symbolizes a commitment to a new way forward based on honesty, love, and forgiveness. As they prayed for the reconciliation of our city and those living in it, our students gathered around the statue and placed their hands on its surface. People in need were served that week. Crops were harvested, schools were cleaned, meals were served, senior citizens were kept company; and the hearts of young people were forever changed. Because of you, our youth are learning that the power to transform the world lies within each of them. Taste & See that the Lord is Good!

Because of you, this happens...

When CCE first started supporting Hope and Resurrection Secondary School in South Sudan, teachers had to be recruited from neighboring Uganda as years of civil war have decimated the teacher population. This year, HRSS has its first native-born teachers. Mr. Thon Bec Ater himself was educated at HRSS and now returns to the school to equip South Sudan's girls and boys for leadership through quality education with a Christian foundation. You have made this possible. As a child, when he saw the words “Christ Church School, Virginia USA” on the wall of his classroom, Thon said it told him that Christ has a purpose for humankind, a purpose beyond humankind’s borders and colors.

Because of you, this happens...

When we gather for worship, we are changed through Eucharist, music, prayer, and fellowship. Sometimes we hear God’s call to action. When CCE collected pet food last October, a visitor asked Rev. Shirley after worship, “Will the church still be open 20 minutes from now? … Because I want to go to the grocery store and give some pet food to your pet food drive. You see, I’m new, but I’m looking for a church that cares about people. I know there are people who have to choose between buying their medicine and feeding their pets. I want to help.” Because of your gifts, worship happens at CCE, and service to our community happens, service that gives people hope for a new day.