"Be the Good" is an opportunity for our children to learn about local and global community service organizations and participate in hands-on service projects. This mission effort takes place once a month during Sunday School.
For our March "Be the Good," children and helpers packaged Care Bags filled with cleaning supplies and personal hygiene items for ACTS clients. ACTS provides funds, support, and other resources to our RVA neighbors in
financial crisis. Their goal is to help those in need live sustainable, self-sufficient, and
dignified lives.
"What a gift to be able to provide items that are expensive, yet necessary, to those who struggle each day to pay their bills," writes ACTS Executive Director William H. Poach in his thank you letter. "Your contributions and prayers are greatly appreciated as ACTS continues to further its mission of providing compassionate response and needed resources to our neighbors during periods of financial crisis."
If you feel called to help our children be the heart and hands of Jesus through "Be the Good," please contact us.